We hope that many of you will be able to join us at the Association for Asian Studies meeting in Seattle!
While we are not holding an official business meeting this year, we are holding an open happy hour at a venue near the conference on Thursday, March 14 beginning at 7:00 P.M.
Thursday, March 14, we will meet in the Pike Street Lobby on Level One of the Convention Center Level at 7:00. We will walk together to Old Stove Brewing on Pike Place (https://www.oldstove.com/pikeplace), about a 15 minute walk from the conference venue. If you wish to join us there later, you are most welcome, and Kristin Vekasi will monitor her email if you need directions.
Please give your tentative RSVP at this two-question Google Form for planning purposes by March 10. This is not a firm commitment, but will help find an appropriately sized venue. (Also here: https://forms.gle/UexhXhx9PbgunxMm9.)
This event is open to all. Please do send this invitation out to colleagues or students who may wish to get to know members of our community and may not be on the list.