Monday, August 19, 2019

APSA 2019

Greetings, members of the Japan Political Studies Group!

We wanted to tell you about the JPSG-related events at the APSA meeting in Washington DC.  Our business meeting will be held from 6:30pm to 7:30pm on Friday, August 30 in the McKinley room of the Marriott. The theme of this meeting will be “The Next Generation of Japanese Politics Research,” and we will have a roundtable discussion on research by three graduate students: Jonathon Baron (Yale); Deirdre Martin (Berkeley); and Mayumi Fukushima (MIT).

After the meeting, we will break so that people can drop their things in their rooms and/or go to various 7:30pm receptions, and then we will convene a dinner/drinks event at 8:15pm. At the meeting we will take names of people that are interested in attending the dinner/drinks event, and then we will make a reservation at a local establishment and email out the details to interested parties. If you are pretty sure that you would like to attend the dinner/drinks event but can’t make it to the meeting, please RSVP to Michael Strausz.

JPSG was able to sponsor two panels at this year’s meeting:

The first one is “Transformation of Japanese Politics: Institutional Changes and Policies” (Thu, August 29, 8:00 to 9:30am, Hilton, Fairchild East) and the second is “Changing Party-Voter Linkages in Japan” (Thu, August 29, 10:00 to 11:30am, Hilton, Jay). We hope that you can make it!

In addition to these announcements, we collect resources for teaching about Japanese politics, which you can find here. If you have a syllabus, an updated syllabus, or other resources to share, please share them in a reply to this email.

Michael Strausz, Texas Christian University
Kenneth Mori McElwain, University of Tokyo

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

AAS 2019

Greetings, members of the Japan Political Studies Group!

We wanted to tell you about the JPSG-related events at the AAS meeting in Denver.  Our business meeting will be held from 7:30pm-9:00pm on Friday, March 22 in Plaza Court 3 in the Plaza Building. The meeting will be held jointly with the Japan America Women Political Scientists Symposium (JAWS), and we will have a panel discussion on the new book Beyond the Gender Gap in Japan (University of Michigan Press), edited by Gill Steel. Presenters will include Gill Steel (Doshisha University) and Liv Coleman (University of Tampa).

After that meeting, interested parties will move on to the Majestic Ballroom for the Japan Foundation reception, which will go on until 9:30pm.

In addition, we are continuing to collect resources for teaching about Japanese politics, which you can find here: If you have a syllabus, an updated syllabus, or other resources to share, please send Michael Strausz an email.